Bahria Enclave Street Lights Issue: A Growing Concern

Dark streets in Bahria Enclave Islamabad due to non-functional street lights, highlighting the issue faced by residents

Residents of Bahria Enclave have been raising concerns about the ongoing issue with street lights in the community. Despite paying a monthly fee of approximately Rs. 1200 to Rs. 1800 under miscellaneous electrical charges, which covers street lighting and maintenance of mosques, the service quality remains unsatisfactory.

The Current Situation

Many areas within Bahria Enclave experience street lights being turned off or malfunctioning, leading to poorly lit streets at night. This situation not only creates inconvenience but also raises safety concerns for residents who expect a well-maintained and secure environment, especially considering the fees they are paying.

Breakdown of Charges

Residents are charged monthly for miscellaneous electrical services, which supposedly include:

  • Street Lighting: Ensuring streets are adequately lit for safety and security.
  • Mosque Maintenance: Providing electricity for mosques within the community.

Given these charges, there is a justified expectation for consistent and reliable street lighting. However, the persistent issues suggest a gap between the services paid for and the quality of service delivered.

Impact on the Community

The lack of proper street lighting affects:

  • Safety: Poorly lit streets increase the risk of accidents and can compromise personal security.
  • Community Aesthetics: Street lights contribute to the overall ambiance of a community. Darkened streets can diminish the appeal of the area.

Call for Action

Residents are urging the Bahria Enclave management to address this issue promptly. The community needs:

  • Regular Maintenance: Routine checks and maintenance of street lights to ensure they are functioning correctly.
  • Transparency: Clear communication from the management about the steps being taken to resolve the issue.


While Bahria Enclave offers a promising lifestyle with various amenities, addressing the street light issue is crucial to maintaining the community’s standards. Residents are hopeful that the management will take swift action to improve the situation, ensuring the safety and comfort of all who call Bahria Enclave home.

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