Mandatory House Rental Registration & Legal Implications

Dear Residents,

We wish to draw your attention to an important administrative and legal notice regarding the renting of houses within Bahria Enclave.

As a part of our ongoing effort to ensure safety, security, and compliance with local regulations, all homeowners renting out their properties in Bahria Enclave must register their rental agreement with the nearest local Police Station by no later than 31st October 2023.

Important Points to Note:

  1. This registration process aims to maintain an updated record of all tenants, ensuring a safer and more secure community for all residents.
  2. Homeowners are required to provide complete details of their tenants, including copies of National Identity Cards, rental agreement, contact information, and any other relevant details as required.
  3. Failure to register by the given deadline will result in legal action taken by the Police, as per the prevailing laws and regulations. This could include penalties, fines, or other punitive measures.

Steps for Registration:

  1. Submit Rental Agreement copy and details in nearest police station.

We understand that this might pose an inconvenience to some, but this measure is in place for the collective good of our community. Let us all work together to ensure Bahria Enclave remains a safe and harmonious place to live.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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