There is a need to review the current transport policy, and facilities, attached to it. Fleet of buses is small. Most seem to have outlived their utility. Often, it is hard for bonafide residents to get a seat on buses. Labour usually overcrowds them.
The travel schedule of buses also calls for reconsideration. There is little ease of transportation within the Enclave, and outside it.
It is high time for the Mgt. to frame both a new short-term, and long term transport policies to help ease the intra-Enclave travel, and outside it.
The steep rise of prices of commodities, and services has deeply affected almost all segments of society, especially the lower income groups. The cost of travel has increased manifold. Growing population continues to outstrip facilities in BE, including those of the transport.
SOBER requests the Mgt. to buy wide-bodied, large buses for intra-Enclave travel, and have others operated from BE to Aaboara, and Barakahu. Residents should happily pay the market-related fare .
The option of licensing to private sector transporters merits to be explored, if deemed appropriate.
(08 Sep. 2023)

Iftikhar Kazmi
Sent to PD sb. a while ago. 

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